“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” ― John Holmes

The Mary Louise Dobson Foundation (MLD Foundation) was established in 2001 by Ms. Mary Louise Dobson, of Egypt, Texas, to provide funding for the youth in Wharton County, specifically relating to the local Boys & Girls Club of Wharton, which was established in 1997. Her goal was to give back to the youth citizens of Wharton County in an effort to impact and better their lives and the future well-being of the community. Since inception, the MLD Foundation, under the direction of its Board of Directors, has provided funding to the following focus areas:

• Boys & Girls Clubs in Wharton and Matagorda County
• Youth Athletic Programs
• Education – Ranging from Infant Care to College Career-Ready
• Brick & Mortar Projects
• Program/Operational Assistance for Youth Organizations
• Healthcare
• Local Family Assistance Programs

All of these efforts have been made with the hope of directly impacting future citizens in Wharton County.
As of December 2018, a total of
in grants has been dispersed throughout Wharton County!

Our Purpose

We strive to support charitable organizations with an emphasis on youth-related activities in the Wharton County Area, although other charitable organizations are not excluded.

Questions? Contact Us today!
The Mary Louise Dobson Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization.  Since you receive no goods or services as a result of your donation, your gift is considered a tax-deductible gift within the limits allowed by the Internal Revenue Service.  It is always best to check with your CPA as to the effect of your donation on your personal situation.